Monday, August 18, 2008

Kendra's issues

I am so frustrated!! It is not even the second full week of school and Kendra's stomach issues have come roaring back. The poor kid spent the whole night in bathroom puking and she is still so nauseated and exhausted that it looks like she won't make it to school today, even tardy.

We have had so many diagnostic tests to try to determine what is wrong and the last specialist told me "it's not logical" in response to why her symptoms are so severe and do not respond to medication. They can't find anything to explain her hyper sensitive stomach and its inability to digest proteins properly, although they all agree that she has this problem. It is the the WHY and the WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT? that no one has any answers to.

So we are going back to the peds and then I am having her looked at by a psychiatrist (our family psychiatrist, doesn't everyone have a family psychiatrist? we are such a triangle hole family:-)) because the gastroenterologist said that antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds might help. I am clutching at straws right now and will look into every possibility. It is very stressful to have your child sick and not have any answers, to make matters worse we have been struggling with this since she was in utero, and still no answers.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Just found your blog and am reading back a bit.

I had a problem like that when I was in high school. I ended up taking a muscle relaxant for a while and that helped immensely. (I'm pretty sure my problem was directly related to my anxiety at the time.)