Wednesday, June 4, 2008

You are in the wrong place so I don't know you

I saw one of the little ones that I used to provide a lot of respite for. She apparently didn't recognize me. It has been about 2 months or maybe three since we last had some time together and since then she has transitioned to her adoptive placement. Still I would have thought a flicker of recognition since I had known her since she was 4 months old, provided respite a week or more at a time over the period of more than a year. But nothing, she didn't know me at all.
I was at the office when I saw her and dressed in my business clothes with a new haircut. I am actually thinking she didn't know me because I was in the wrong place with the wrong people. I am hoping that if I saw her in a more familiar setting with some of my kids around me she would remember me, we were pretty close.
But maybe that is how it should be. She is happily settled into her adoptive placement and she has a new Mommy and Daddy and a new sister. Her foster mother gave her a wonderful loving foundation and I did my part as a member of the village that supported her.
It is interesting how much of a blow to my ego it was though.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I had a very similar feeling recently when I ran into two former Ct's in the community, I was excited but they didn't know and neither did the person they were with, so although I glimpsed them there was no interaction at all, it was a sad day.