Friday, March 21, 2008

A Total Delight and Joy

We have been blessed with the presence of a 9 yo these past two days and I have nothing but good to report. I am not even talking about obvious honeymoon behaviors. This little darling is intelligent, articulate, plays well by herself, is self-suffiecient but not above being nurtured, she is an awesome artist, above is a sample of her work, and she is sweet.
Look closely at the pictures the amount of detail is amazing. The audience in the foreground and the tiebacks on the curtains are great touches, and all this with poster paints and a cheap crayola brush.

I am delighted that she is going to her forever family today (I trained this couple so I have extra pride) but I wouldn't mind keeping her in a selfish way. We are not doing any more adoptions right now and that is what she needs, not another transitional family. Luckily I will get to do respite for her.
It is amazing that the family members didn't want her, but they adopted 4 other of their foster children and did not adopt their own granddaughter, don't know what the deal is there. But these other new parents are getting a gem.

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